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Award number 1826836

RII Track-2 FEC: Systems Genetics Studies on Rice Genomes for Analysis of Grain Yield and Quality Under Heat Stress (Award Start Date: August 15, 2018)


Bring together complementary expertise and address the problem of cereal grain production under the increasing climatic temperatures.


Employs systems genetics approaches and aims to enhance the research capabilities at four participating institutions from Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.


The project focuses on rice as the major crop in the Southeastern US that suffers a major decline in grain yield and quality with the increase in the nighttime temperature.

The goal of this project is to (1) understand the ‘genome to phenome’ association underlying high nighttime temperature (HNT) tolerance in rice, and (2), to dissect the genetic basis of poor grain yield and quality under HNT stress, and offer potential suggestions for breeding heat-tolerant crops.