rice plant tagged control HNT

The External Advisory Board (EAB) monitors and assesses the program activities. PI/Co-PIs make sure that projects milestones and deadlines are met and carry out the implementation of recommendations from the EAB and External Evaluator. The EAB is scheduled to meet annually and produce a report that is forwarded to the NSF Program Officer.


Board MemberAffiliationArea of Expertise
Dr. Keerti Rathore (rathore@tamu.edu) Texas A&M UniversityCrop Biotechnology
Dr. Henry Nguyen (NguyenHenry@missouri.edu)University of MissouriAbiotic Stress
Dr. Benildo Reyes (benildo.reyes@ttu.edu)Texas Tech UniversityRice Physiology


Kirk Minnick, of Minnick & Associates, Inc. is the External Evaluator who chairs the EAB board and oversees the overall project evaluation. Besides conducting participant surveys for customer satisfaction feedback on project activities and to identify participant needs for future events/activities, the evaluator may observe and participate in many of these activities as well.