• Associate Professor
  • LSU AgCenter
  • Rice Research Station
  • 1373 Caffey Road
  • Rayne, LA 70578
  • Research Interests:
    • > Rice Breeding and Genetics
    • > Molecular Breeding
    • > Trait Mapping And Discovery

Dr. Adam Famoso is an Associate Professor at the LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station in Rayne, Louisiana. His applied rice breeding program at the LSU AgCenter is focused on variety development with the goal of supplying the rice industry with superior rice varieties from production in Louisiana and the Southern rice production regions. The breeding project develops conventional and herbicide-resistant long-grain, medium-grain and specialty rice varieties such as aromatic rices and new lines tailored to the Latin American export market. Development of herbicide resistant lines includes Clearfield varieties and new Provisia lines. In addition, our research focuses on developing and validating new technologies and breeding approaches within the logistical context of an applied breeding program. This includes the application of molecular markers through genomic selection, marker assisted trait selection, and purification of seed.

2021 Rice Breeding update

Role in the project

Our involvement with the project is centered around validation and implementation of project discoveries into an applied rice breeding program. This includes field evaluation of selected lines grain quality in terms of milling and chalk. We are also involved in providing seed and pedigree analysis of US germplasm and specifically Louisiana germplasm. Our KASP SNP genotyping lab is also available to test candidate SNP DNA markers that are identified as part of the project. As part of this project, we purified and genotyped mapping population (MY2) that was originally developed by the RiceCAP project (https://rice-hnt-stress.uark.edu/interaction-with-rice-research-programs/).